Branded virtual background in Zoom

A little Zoom goes a long way
Create a branded virtual background in Zoom
Why create a branded virtual background in Zoom?
The huge uptake of Zoom meetings for networking has soared in ways we could never have foreseen prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Of course many people have been having video meetings for sometime with Microsoft Teams, but why is Zoom proving to be the most popular choice?
The user interface and experience are truly where Zoom excels in the Microsoft Teams vs Zoom debate. Zoom users all rave over its simple interface and the ability to get end-users up and running with little to no training or IT support.
It also has the ability to change the background to your Zoom view. (See below for guidance on creating a customised branded virtual background image).
So, in a time when marketing has become both difficult and vital, are you missing a marketing opportunity to keep your branding in sight and in mind?
Of course everyone likes to see where you are working, how you decorate your home etc. However, using the Zoom Web Portal, you can change the default background image or customise it for a room, floor, or location. They provide a few default images to play with, such as the classic palm trees and beach, the Northern Lights, some random grass etc. but you can create your own.
If you are attending an online networking meeting you might want to brand your background to help promote your company name, and why not, it’s kinda like having an online business card when you have a meeting. It keeps your company name, logo, colours etc in people’s minds and that’s not a bad thing for marketing.
When you use a branded virtual background there is some blur and seepage of your actual room background that can come through when you move, try it and you’ll see, so perhaps it’s not for you. However, it’s a reasonably minor effect particularly when the Zoom attendees windows are small and many on a computer or tablet screen.
Why not have a go at creating a branded virtual background image (JPG or PNG works fine) with your business or organisation’s logo and/or some branded imagery in the background and promote yourself at your online meetings.
Personally I miss going down the pub and using a photo of one of my (many) favourite pubs just takes me straight back there (not literally of course) and gives a lift of mood and high spirits, er, no pun intended!
If you’d like some help with creating a branded virtual background for your business or organisation, get in contact, we’ll do it for you for free while we are still in lockdown!
Happy Zooming!
Sign up for Zoom, it’s free.
Guidance on Zoom Rooms customised backgrounds
Using the Zoom Web Portal, you can change default background image or customize the background image for a room, floor, or location.
You can also customize Zoom Rooms digital signage content to share important messages when the room is not in use or the scheduling display background to use a custom image on your scheduling display device.
Background Image Guidelines
Before uploading a custom background image, follow these guidelines:
Format: GIF, JPG/JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha). Any transparent areas of PNGs will be shown on a white background.
Minimum dimension: 960px
Maximum dimension: 1920px
Recommended dimensions: 1920px by 1080px (16:9 aspect ratio). If you don’t use an image with an aspect ratio of 16:9, you may see black bars beside the background image.
Maximum file size: 5 MB
Change the default background image
Follow these steps if you want to change the default background image for all Zoom Rooms in your account.
- Log in to the Zoom web portal.
- Click Room Management > Zoom Rooms.
- Click Account Settings at the top of the page.
- In the Account Profile tab, under Background image for Zoom Rooms, click Upload New Image. Note: Verify your image follows their guidelines.
- Select your image and click Open.
Change the background image for a room, floor, or location
When you upload a customized background image for a specific room, floor, or location, it will replace the default image.
- Log in to the Zoom web portal.
- Click Room Management > Zoom Rooms.
- Click Edit next to the room, floor, or location, depending on where you want the background to be applied.
- In the Room Settings tab, navigate to the Room Setup section.
- Next to Background image for Zoom Rooms, click Upload New Image. If you added your own default background image, you’ll see a preview of it along with the “Using account setting” notification.
Note: Verify your image follows their guidelines.
Select your image, and click Open.